The mind is like a wild horse; if you learn how to ride it, it can be greatly useful, if not, it can make you fall off and suffer.
Your mind is a great library where the information perceived by your senses, the experiences you live, the reflections you make and the ideas you absorb from the outside world are stored. All of this content is archived in your mind; not in the shape of books, but as beliefs. At every moment of your life, these beliefs are projected in your mind through voices and images.
You may be surprised to hear this, but actually, you are not your mind. You are the one who sees and listens to the information recorded in your mind. When you identify with the negative beliefs stored within you, you become a puppet mastered by your mind. You start reacting in an automatic and almost unconscious way to all of your mind’s urges, thereby manifesting expressions of suffering such as fears, conflicts, limitations, stress, anger, sadness, anxiety, etc.
Take control over your life and learn how to live consciously.
*No previous experience or qualifications are required for you to study this workshop.
The details…
This workshop consists of 3 main blocks
1. Introductory talk
We start by talking about the following subjects:
What is the mind.
The tendency to repeat the past.
How beliefs control us.
Why our mind controls us.
The mind is your friend, not your enemy.
The connection between the physical, emotional and mental body.
How to lose identification with the mind.
The ultimate objective is not to turn off the mind but to learn how to control it.
You are not your mind.
Why the mind can’t live the present.
The mind as a memory store.
2. Alma Works meditation techniques
Learn as you practice the following meditations to control your mind:
Mental Exploration: Explore your mind with the objective of understanding that you are not it. You are the consciousness that observes and listens to it.
Serene Mind: Slow down the speed of the runaway mind, build concentration and transform negative mental patterns.
Conscious Hand: Turn off your mind whenever you want to rest from the mental chatter and enjoy the present moment.
Taming the Wild Horse: Live together with your mind without identifying with the beliefs that activate the illusion of suffering.
3. Closure
An inventory of your learnings.
After knowing and experiencing the Alma Works techniques, you will have all the tools you need in order to start a continuous and disciplined practice in your daily life.
You’ll be able to free yourself from suffering and live consciously.
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